Living foods Living foods



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Bio red onion sprout

It contains the nutrients, which support fundamental cell growth.
It is a natural antibiotic, cleans the bloodstream, liver, and kills off harmful unicellular parasites.
It is resistant to all mould and fungal attacks.
It is rich in chlorophyll and regenerates the blood.
Thanks to its mucous loosening allicin content, it cures the common cold.
It prompts the lungs to rid themselves of the mucous.
It is an antiseptic, virus killer, fungus killer, parasite killer, protozoon (microscopic unicellular parasite) killer, microbe killer and it induces perspiration.
It possesses the widest spectrum of microbe killing properties.
pozitív környezetet biztosít a hasznos baktériumoknak, miközben kiűzi a kórokozókat a belekből
gyomor-, bélproblémáknál ajánlják
jótékony hatása van reumánál, vérmérgezésnél, gyomorfekélynél, fejfájásnál

Recipe suggestions

400g cottage cheese, 1 tbsp tomato puree, 4 tbsp mixed sprouts, 1 clove pressed garlic, freshly ground black pepper, salt, 2 tbsp sesame oil, lettuce and a tomato.
Mix the cottage cheese with the tomato puree ad to the mixed sprouts. Finally pour on the sesame oil, and serve with the lettuce and tomatoes.